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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Modified Air-tech 3000 (At3k)

Hey, viewer's i actually began and finished this blaster a few days after i finished my at2k. I love this way better then my at2k its so much larger and way more powerful. 

Its not the cleanest rear loading slot but its not to bad.It shoots really furrr like any other at3k and it takes four to six pumps to fill the tank.

I used  four layers of craft foam for the seal and i used a Rapid-fire 20 pump. The pump stroke is very long but it is relatively comfortable.

I am getting a new shell for the blaster so i can make the cuts a bit cleaner and rounder. Also the new shells color will be blue and my favorite color is blue. The color blue equals more range !

It's pretty good for my first one in my person opinion and i plan to take this to the next war. The nest war will be Neno 8 and i plan to wreck noobs !

Overall this thing shoots lasers and i would not personally want to be shot by this. I really wish this blaster lasts unlike my red at2k which broke after 8 months.

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