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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Replica Blasters

A very popular cosmetic mod, from the time I started four years ago, has always been creating replica blasters. Making a Nerf gun look like a prop or a real weapon has always been popular. Some do it well, while others look very ghetto. Drac makes awesome prop
Blasters, mostly based off of Halo. Hdingo makes cool realistic looking guns using broken airsoft guns. Both of these guys are great at what they do. I've
made a replica blaster once, and that was my M4 recon. I tried to make it look clean and only use Nerf parts. In the middle of the picture I have my M4 recon, while on the outside are two of Drac's blasters. I always thought replica blasters were cool, when done properly. I'm curious to hear your thoughts about replica blasters, so comment bellow and we can start a discussion. Hope you guys like this post and I will see ya later!